I visited librarything a while back but never got a chance to get into it much. Now I have the opportunity, and it's been awesome! I don't know if is more of a personal benefit or professional benefit, or maybe both, but it is so awesome! In the past, I've had so many books piling up that I wanted to read and couldn't find the time to do it, that I finally started making a list. This takes it to a whole new level!
Not only can I make a list, but I can share the list with others, rate it, find others with similar interests, read comments about it, catalog books, search for books, share my books, find similar books, on and on and on. And I feel like I've only scratched the surface!
I set up a profile, added a few books, then went back and added some more and I could hardly stop! This is perhaps my FAVORITE thing of the Things thus far, although it faces tough competition from Delicious, Newsvine, Digg, and Meebo, and I have yet to see other mashups like iGoogle.
I can't say enough about this Thing! Although I couldn't find any local events, I'm sure this is slowly growing.
Feel free to browse mylibrary.
Lastly, I just recalled finding out about the new and improved Worldcat through a Florida Electronic Library workshop. It allows you to set up an account, rate books, buy books from different companies, and even has a mobile feature. Check it out if you get a chance.